Friday, November 6, 2009

That Time of the Year

Not holiday season. That time near the end of the semester where I have a zillion things to do, but get behind because I'm so stressed I get laid out by a migraine for about a week. That fun time. I have about 6 different posts that I have started to write (all totally brilliant, natch), but have other things to write or edit or stare at for about 45 minutes, so I haven't posted in a couple of weeks. Truth be told, I'm not doing so hot. Greek is really testing me, and senioritis has kicked in, so I'm just dog-tired most of the time. Please pray for me. A lot of times I question why I'm here; what I'm doing; what the heck does God want from me? Did I just make up this whole "call" thing? In those times when I really want to eat a whole pan of brownies, queue up the 7th season of Gilmore Girls and just give up, I know that the only  thing that gets me through the day is prayer and chapel. Thank you for your prayers, dear ones. It may not seem like much to you, but I feel it. It helps. I know it does. So please keep praying. Pray I can hold on to this wack-a-doo dream by my little fingernail, that I won't fail any of my classes this semester, and can do it all with a little bit of faith, hope and grace still intact. Thank you from my heart. Love, W.

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